dilluns, 16 de març del 2020

5. Baroque Europe

6. Catalonia 1714


6. Catalonia 1714

The defeat in 1714. 
After the Catholic Kings, the Habsburg Dynasty maintained complex relations with the principality. Even though they respected each others' institutions, the differences with the crown were serious due to the resources reclaimed by the monarchs for their military companies. The misunderstandings came to a head in 1640, in the framework of the European Thirty Years' War, when the war of the Segadors faced French and Castellans on Catalan soil. The conflagration ended the peace in the Pyrenees, which is why Roselló and part of Cerdanya became French territory and were taken away from Catalonia.

After Carles II died without an heir, Felip V, of the Bourbon Dynasty, took the throne of Spain. In 1701, he pledged to the Constitutions, but another claimer, Charles of Austria, joined in the War of Succession. Catalonia took the Austrian side, but in 1714, Barcelona fell and the cities that were not supported by the Bourbons were treated badly. 
In 1716, the New Plant decree abolished the individual institutions, not Catalan Civil Law.

dijous, 20 de febrer del 2020

Assesment for the Age of Discovery



3rd ESO

Xavier Marín

- The discovery of America

- Reasons for the discoveries

The new sea routes

The first voyage around the world

The consequences of the discoveries

-Vocabulary related to different civilizations

 Discovery, trade routes, technical advances, Portulan charts, navigational instruments, compass, astrolabe, quadrant, caravels, expeditions, Christopher Columbus, consequences, overseas empires, European supremacy, diseases, indigenous population

- Learning about changes in population, economy and society

Learning about maritime expeditions in the 15th and 16th centuries

Finding out about the discovery of America

Understanding the consequences of the discoveries 
- Analysing social evolution

Comparing maps of the past and the present

Completing a diagram
-   Identifying the advantages and disadvantages of the new empires

Finding out about the discoverers

Interpreting information from maps

- Virtual visits to archaeological sites
- Presentations with the computer.
- Internet (pictures or interactive exercises)

- Educational films.
- Curiosity to learn about the causes and consequences of different factors related to population, economy and society

- Initiative in interpreting different sources of information

Recognising the importance of different social groups within a society

- Curiosity to learn about the importance of the expeditions

Appreciation of the consequences of the discoveries

Critical attitude towards different civilizations

Linguistic communication
• Vocabulary related to changes in population, economy and different social groups

• Expressing cause and effect: Conditions improved because the peasants became free.

• Making comparisons: In 1500, Europe’s population was almost as large as before the plague.

• Referring to the distant past: This was the same dynasty which had governed…

Learning to learn

• Learning how to analyse information given on a chart

• Learning to notice the causes and effects of historical events

Digital ICT competence

• Doing a web task
• Doing a map with the trips of Columbus at My Maps
• Work with the mobile phone searching info

Temporal competence

• Establishing a chain of cause and effect

Spatial competence

· Using maps to compare seas, voyages and locations

Interpersonal and civic competence

• Doing a group project on Mayas, Aztecs and Incas

Autonomy and personal initiative

• Analysing data in different forms

• Investigating

Knowledge and interaction with our world

• Identifying the impact of the discoveries on the present day

Cultural and artistic expression

• Using photos / paintings to acquire information and prompt discussion

Written test in first language / second language


dimecres, 19 de febrer del 2020

Assesment for Reformation and Renaissance


 Historical explanation; cause and effect: The social and cultural changes were so profound that this period was given its own name.

 Historical argumentation; comparisons: Michelangelo is one of the greatest and most versatile artists of all times.

 Historical recount; impersonal statements: Europe was divided into two religious blocks.

Learning to learn
 Learning to appreciate and compare art from different periods
 Learning to use a table to organise the main poin ts of a topic and to make comparisons

Mathematical competence
 Understanding the difference between heliocentric and geocentric theory

Digital ICT competence
 Doing a webtask

 Test in QuizStar on the Mobile Telephone

Temporal competence
 Comprehension of the time-scale of important figures and events during this period

Spatial competence
 Using maps to compare areas of different religions

Interpersonal and civic competence
 Comparing paintings with a partner
 Doing a project: the legacy of 15th and 16 th centuries in your region

Autonomy and personal initiative
 Finding out about people who contributed to humanism
 Finding out more about El Greco
 Finding and describing a Renaissance painting

Knowledge and interaction with our world
 Identifying examples of Renaissance art in Spain
 Understanding the importance of the invention of the printing press
 Relating the development of Spanish Renaissance t o the present day

Cultural and artistic expression
 Describing and comparing examples of architecture and sculpture
 Comparing buildings
 Appreciating painting and sculpture
 Analysing the evolution of painting
 Creating a mural
 Written test in first language / second language

2. Renaissance Unit Plan



3rd ESO

Xavier Marín

- The humanism

- Renaissance art, architecture, sculpture and science

Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo

The Renaissance in the rest of Europe

-Vocabulary related to different civilizations: Humanism, Renaissance, Antiquity, reason,

experience, The printing press, Science, style, heliocentric, geocentric, harmony, proportions,

perspective, beauty, subjects, great artists, architecture, sculpture, painting, anatomical studies,

portrait sculptures, busts, equestrian statues, genius, 

- Learning about humanism

Discovering Renaissance art and architecture

Analysing the evolution of painting

Understanding the effects of the Renaissance in Spain

- Comparing Renaissance and Gothic architecture and sculpture
Listing charactersitics of humanism and investigating three humanists: Erasmo de Rotterdam,
Johannes Gutenberg and Leonardo da Vinci.

Answering questions about Renaissance art, architecture and sculpture

Comparing the art and skills of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo

Finding out about the spread of the Renaissance style to Spain and other parts of Europe

- Creating a mural about the Renaissance art

- Virtual visits to archaeological sites
- Presentations with the computer.
- Internet and Educational films

- Appreciation of similarities and differences in art and architecture of different ages
Curiosity to learn about a cultural and intellectual movement

Curiosity to learn about different theories and discoveries

Critical attitude towards religious change and its consequences
Linguistic communication
• Vocabulary related to humanism, science, art and architecture.